Friday, November 16, 2012

Report of Salt Lake County Republican Central Commitee Meeting November 15

Last night I attended the quarterly meeting of the Salt Lake County Republican Central Committee. This meeting was for all Republican precinct chairmen in the county, so I was representing WJD030. There was 34% attendance, so many precincts were not represented. We reviewed the election results and heard reports from all the officers of the County Republicans. We also heard from all the candidates, both winning and losing, who were in attendance. Our newly elected representative Earl Tanner was there and spoke about his desire to work for us and to address the issues before the Utah legislature in an intelligent and responsible manner.

The meeting was disappointing because we never got to vote on the proposed amendment to the Bylaws. As far as I can see the new bylaw was designed to prevent radical elements of the party from taking time at meetings and detracting from important functions of the Central Committee. Before the meeting even started (before the prayer and the pledge), Dana Dickson was proposing to amend the agenda and to have the Bylaws Committee report on the proposed amendment. He also wanted to have a discussion about what was done in the election and more specifically to evaluate why he lost his race for Utah House of Representatives. Then other delegates had to contribute to the confusion. Eventually the proposal was referred to the Bylaws Committee. This amendment did not come from the Bylaws Committee. It came from the Central Committee officers. The Bylaws Committee has not been able to get a quorum together in their last two meetings and all they have been able to do is to protest the proposed amendment. I think that people voted for referring to the Bylaws Committee and closing the discussion just because they could see that the discussion was going to be long and involved and they did not want to stay too long. Actually the meeting was scheduled for 7:00 – 9:00 PM and we finished at 8:30 PM and still had time to hear from all the candidates (winning and losing) who were at the meeting. So my final analysis is that the amendment was defeated by the very thing it was designed to prevent. 

I am not sure whether I received my call to meeting in the mail or not and many people said that they did not. I received a postcard, but don't remember seeing a letter with the text of the amendment. However, I received all the information I needed to learn about the amendment via email. But some people claimed that they never received the email. If members of the group were not adequately informed, then perhaps it is good to postpone the decision making. I had decided to vote for the amendment.Maybe at a future meeting I will have the opportunity to vote for it. Last night's meeting was interesting to me and I feel like I was doing my duty by attending. 

It was interesting to note that Mitt Romney won in Salt Lake County, whereas in 2008 Barack Obama won in Salt Lake County. Also, in this year's election Salt Lake County was the only county where Democrats were elected. We live in Utah's "Swing County."

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

More Information about Tomorrow's Meeting

Here is the link to information about the Salt Lake County Republican Central Committee Meeting.

Here is the proposed bylaw change that I will be voting on. I am studying the issue. Please contact me if you want to share your opinion and/or advise me.

Proposed Bylaw Amendment
November 15, 2012

SPONSORS: Chair Julie Dole, Vice Chair Chad Bennion, Secretary Ben Soholt, Treasurer Rob Anderson, Region Chair Barbara Stallone, Senate 9 Chair Neal Summers, Senate 10 Chair Michelle Hunt, Senate 11 Chair Mark Mills, Senate 12 Chair Kent Nay, Legislative 30 Chair Carma Nay, Precinct HER011 Chair Valarie Kingsbury, UT State House 38 Representative Eric Hutchings, Salt Lake County Assessor Lee Gardner, Salt Lake County Councilman At-Large Richard Snelgrove, Salt Lake County Recorder Gary Ott, Salt Lake County Treasurer K. Wayne Cushing.

Bylaws are the governing ordinances of our organization. As such, they should be respected and adhered to unless a significant reason exists to change them. Any changes should be made only after careful review and consideration, a comment period by all Republicans wishing to participate, and a final vote by County Central Committee Members. This procedure will prevent contradictory and confusing amendments being put into place and allow our Bylaw Committee the opportunity and time necessary to thoroughly review our current bylaws to correct any outdated or contradictory sections and to consider any other proposed amendments. Most major organizations designate an annual or biennial meeting with significant time for review by their Bylaw Committee and include a comment period for their members. It is wise for us to designate a biennial review held in odd years when municipal elections take place, as partisan election years require our attention to meeting our goal of getting qualified Republicans elected. Under our current form, considerable time may be lost at Central Committee Meetings hearing proposed bylaw amendments without allowing the body enough time to research the consequences. This continual amending of the bylaws without proper review and consideration may result in a number of bylaws that are contradictory and confusing.

Section 1. Amendments

A. These Bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the County Central Committee with a minimum quorum of 20% of total membership present at a the duly-called County Central Committee meeting provided that prior notice is given in the notice of the meeting.
1. Bylaw changes will only be entertained at a biennial County Central Committee meeting designated for Bylaw changes, review and/or revision. The third quarter County Central Committee meeting occurring in odd years (municipal elections) will be designated as the meeting where Bylaws will be changed, reviewed, and/or revised.
2. All Bylaw changes and/or revisions will be submitted to the Bylaw Committee for their review, no later than the first quarter of odd years. All proposed Bylaw changes will be presented at the second quarter County Central Committee Meeting in odd years. No vote will be taken; the proposed changes will be shared electronically with Central Committee Members and party members for their review and comments. The final discussion and vote of Bylaw changes will be held during the third quarter meeting of odd years.

B. Proposed amendments must be submitted to members at least ten (10) working days prior to the date of the County Central Committee meeting, provided that such amendments may be amended at the meeting in accordance with the rules governing the meeting. When an action is under debate or before the County Central Committee, no amendment shall be in order when such amendment relates to a different purpose than the original action. No motion or proposition on a subject different from that under consideration shall be admitted as an amendment.

Salt Lake County Republican Central Committee Meeting November 15

Here is the news from Julie Dole about tomorrow's meeting at 6:00 PM at Union Middle School:

I would like to invite everyone, who wishes to attend, to our quarterly Central Committee Meeting this Thursday. We will be discussing an important Bylaw change, that will be voted on by credentialed members, as well as hearing from our Newly Elected Republicans.

Are you tired of the rules shifting like sand, bylaw changes that are not well thought out, don't make sense, or appear to benefit cer
tain groups? The proposed Bylaw Amendment to Article XI is here to help by addressing how and when we make changes to our Bylaws and provides for public input and allows all changes to be well researched and vetted by ALL interested Republicans. Most organizations of our size already have this as a standard practice. We need to remember that the main goal of our organization is to get qualified Republicans elected, not to change our governing documents on a whim. The purpose of bylaws is to provide stability and continuity. Bylaws are designed to provide a level playing field and allow all members to know what the rules of the the body are.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Join Get Out the Vote Walks Tomorrow Saturday November 3, 2012


With only 4 days to go, Mia Love needs your help more than ever! This race is neck and neck, and will be decided by only a few votes. We need you to help us make the final push to ensure Mia will be our Congresswoman in District 4.

Tomorrow, Saturday Nov. 3, we will be reaching as many voters as possible by holding the state's largest Get Out The Vote walk of the 2012 election cycle. We will hold 5 simultaneous walks across CD4, and we want you to attend which ever park is closest to you. Each location will have Mia literature and door-hangers that will help turn out Utah voters in record numbers.

Join Mia herself at the Jordan Ridge Park (9500 South 2500 West) tomorrow to help deliver literature.

I will be at the Southridge Park (5085 South 4015 West) and will also be delivering literature in that area.

Local candidates and Utah Republican Party Staff will join us at these locations, and the other 3 locations.

More details for the walk and rally can be found by clicking the link below. We hope to see you tomorrow and that you can pledge an hour of your weekend to help Mia Love and the Republican Party beat Jim Matheson.


Chairman Thomas Wright

RSVP or learn more on Facebook here

You can also join me and local Republican Candidates for a Victory Rally tomorrow, Saturday Nov. 3 at either 1:00PM, 4:00PM or 6:00PM.

The rallies will be held at the Romney Victory Centers located in Orem and Midvale, and the Mia Love Victory Center in West Jordan.

RSVP on Facebook here

Orem Romney Victory Center
1111 S. 1350 W. Orem
Saturday, 1:00PM

Midvale Romney Victory Center
47 E 7200 S Midvale
Saturday, 4:00PM

Mia Love Victory Center
1227 W 9000 S West Jordan
Saturday, 6:00PM

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Victory Rally on Saturday

Join Utah Republican Party Chairman Thomas Wright and local Republican candidates
 for a Victory Rally on Saturday, Nov. 3 at either 1:00PM, 4:00PM or 6:00PM.

Join Chairman Wright immediately after the rally to make phone calls to undecided

 voters-- these calls will make the difference! We hope you will join us.  

RSVP on Facebook here 

Orem Romney Victory Center
1111 S. 1350 W. Orem
Saturday, 1:00PM

Midvale Romney Victory Center
47 E 7200 S Midvale
Saturday, 4:00PM

Mia Love Victory Center
1227 W 9000 S West Jordan
Saturday, 6:00PM



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