Thursday, October 11, 2018

Utah GOP October Newsletter

My Fellow Republicans,
We are 26 days away from the 2018 midterm elections. Sadly, the past few weeks have seemed especially contentious; rhetoric seems to be at an all-time high. Despite calls for civility, we continue to witness politics at its worst - especially on the national stage:
Former US Attorney General Eric Holder:
As Utahns, I ask each of you to do your part to elevate the conversation. There’s no greater voice than your ballot. Please vote, and encourage your friends and families to vote, too. #VoteRedForAmerica #CastVotesNotStones 
Most Sincerely,
Rob Anderson, Chairman UTGOP 

The Election Has Begun!

How can you vote? 

Vote-by-Mail: Many counties are mailing ballots out this week & next week. If you've already returned your Vote-by-Mail ballot and would like to track it click here:
In Person: Early in person voting begins - Tuesday, October 23rd. Click here to: Find your early voting polling location.
On Election Day: Tuesday, November 6th. For polling locations you can check with your County Clerk or here:

Important Election Dates

October 16 - most counties vote-by-mail ballots are sent to voters
October 23 - in-person early voting begins
October 30 - the last day to register to vote in person
November 2 - in-person early voting ends
November 6 - 2018 midterm elections!

Republicans on the Ballot

(click on their photos to view their websites)

You can view all the Republican State Senate and State House Candidates on our website at: For County Offices and School Board races check your County's elections website.

Also if you need to register, review, or update your voter registration information go to your County Clerks office or the LT. Governor's Voter Registration Website:

Ballot Initiatives

In addition to Candidates, your ballot will also include a Question, three Propositions, and three Amendments to the Utah State Constitution. Please take the time to study these initiatives by reviewing them here:

Thank you to the over 2000 people who responded to the 2018 General Election Survey.  The results show support is strong for Republican Candidates. You can view the survey results here: 

2018 General Election Survey

With only 3 weeks remaining till the election, the Utah Republican Party and our Candidates are counting on your help to stay strong until the end: door knocking, making phone calls, sharing emails, news articles, fliers, etc...

Volunteers can reply to this email to find out more.

Donations to the Party can be made here: KeepUtahRed

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Sharing an Email from Mia Love

An Update from Mia Love

Hello, members of the 4th District!

It is an honor to represent you! As such, I wanted to send you a quick update from the campaign trail. Check out the details below.

BREAKING NEWS: We just got our latest polling results and are thrilled to have such a strong lead! 
Our message of building the economy, localizing education and keeping big government at bay is resonating.

Supporting Local Businesses 

I was thrilled to support Nature’s Sunshine as they dedicated a new Headquarters in Lehi! As co-chair of the Dietary Supplement Caucus and an avid runner, I love our health and nutrition industries.

Hosting a Facebook Live Q & A

It was great to be with Riverton Mayor Trent Staggs and Abe Lincoln as we did a Facebook live to answer your questions about everything from the federal deficit, our booming economy and localizing education. Check it out! 

Receiving the Defender of Housing Award

I am honored to have received the Utah Home Builder’s ‘Defender of Housing’ award! In Congress, I believe in promoting quality home construction and keeping costs down.

Joe Kennedy Endorses Ben McAdams
Ben McAdams sent out a fundraising email from one of his only endorsers, Rep. Joe Kennedy (D-MA).
Why is he touting this endorsement? This is the same Joe Kennedy who:
-- has a 100% rating by Planned Parenthood
-- votes with Nancy Pelosi 97% of the time
-- opposed the tax cut bill
-- opposed Gorsuch and Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court.
Is this the kind of Democrat Ben would be in congress?

Copyright © 2018 Friends of Mia Love, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email as a voter in Utah's 4th Congressional District.

Our mailing address is:
Friends of Mia Love
5251 South Green Street
Suite 250
Murray, UT 84129

Want to change how you receive these emails?
You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.

Monday, September 10, 2018

Salt Lake County Races

Scott Tingley is running for Salt Lake County Auditor.

Rozan Mitchell is running for Salt Lake County Clerk.

Nathan Evershed is running for Salt Lake County District Attorney.

Adam S. Gardiner is running for Salt Lake County Recorder.

Justin Hoyal is running for Salt Lake County Sheriff.

Sophia M. Dicaro is running for the Salt Lake County Council at large seat.

Vote for these fine Republican Candidates!

Here is a list of Republican Candidates who are in countywide races for this November's election.


Constitution Day Picnic September 14, 2018

For all SLCoGOP Volunteers and their families,

Please join us as a thank you for your service. Please invite your family and enjoy a catered picnic at no charge to you. There will be music, games and camaraderie in celebrating our great Constitution.

Friday, September 14th from 5:00 to 8:00 pm at Wardle Fields Park: 14128 South 2700 West in Bluffdale

Catered by: Smoke A Billy BBQ

Please RSVP on our Facebook page:

Hope to see you all there!

Scott Miller


Meet the Candidates Nights Salt Lake County 2018

Here is a message from Salt Lake County Republican Party.

Please Join Us!
Sept 11th Whitmore Library 6:30 - 8pm
Sept 18th Hunter Library 6:30 - 8-pm
Oct 2nd UTGOP Headquarters 5 - 7pm
Oct 11th Sandy Library 6:30 - 8pm

Meet our Salt Lake County Republican Candidates
Get to know the people on your ballot before it comes in the mail
See you soon!

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Are You Ready for the Primary Elections? (From the State Republican Party Newsletter)

Are you ready to vote in the Republican Primary Election?

The June 26 Primaries are fast approaching, Mailed Ballots will start hitting  mailboxes in 3 weeks.  

Now is the time to check your current Address and Registration status with either your County Clerk or the State Elections office.  You can follow this link to check and update your information online:

Next, get to know the Candidates.  We have included many links to Candidate Websites and Social Media accounts.  Debates, Town Halls and other events are happening every day.  Click Here:

Finally, whether you choose to vote by mail, absentee or in-person, Remember to Vote!

On May 3rd, the UTGOP conducted a survey regarding the upcoming Primary Election. 3447 People responded and an overview of the responses is shown below.

To review the complete survey results please follow this link: 

Q1. Will you vote in the Primary Election? 
The survey started off by asking if people would be likely to vote in the primary election.    

98% of people who participated in this survey say it is likely that they will vote in the upcoming Primary Election. Interestingly, about 8.5% of those who took the survey said they dislike primary elections. This means that at least 6.5% of those who are going to vote in the upcoming primary dislike primary elections. 

Q2. What is your opinion of Primary Elections? 
Some responses people submitted who indicated they liked Primary Elections included; “it helps narrow the list of candidates”, “it helps us to get to learn about the candidates”, and “I like to have a voice in who is running in our party”. People who dislike Primary Elections think that “Primary elections are often decided by who can raise the most money, rather than who is the best candidate”, “delegates are most diligent and capable in choosing the best candidates at convention”, and that “it divides the party and gives the Democrats a chance to win”. More responses in the Full Survey Report.

Q3. Any thoughts or ideas you would like to share that could improve Primary Elections? 
Question 3 asked for suggestions on how we can better improve primary elections those responses are recorded in our longer report online. 

Q4. If your preferred candidate doesn't make it through the Primary, will you support the Party's Nominee in the General Election? 

Q5. What is your preferred method of voting?
Q6. Which method will you use to vote this Primary Election?
Questions 5 and 6 asked about voters preferred and actual methods of voting. In question 5, 34% of voters said they prefer to vote in person. While 53% of respondents prefer Mail Ballots, that grows to 58% who say they will use that method this election. 

Q7. What are your preferred methods of learning about candidates and issues? Choose all that apply. 
In Question 7 Respondents were asked to choose their preferred sources of candidate information. The top two selected choices were tied at 22%, for Candidate websites and Town Hall/Meet and Greet Events. Followed by information shared by Family and Friends at 15%. With these three taking a 59% share of total responses, it is clear that the respondents prefer to get their information directly from the Candidates themselves or from family and friends. The remaining choices show how other methods commonly used by nearly all campaigns do not hold as strong an influence over the voters’ opinions. Preferences for Television News and T.V. Ads to learn about Candidates, got 10% collectively. Other options that received low percentages included Campaign Flyers, general internet searches and Social Media. The lowest at 2% was Candidate Billboards and Yard Signs. 

Conclusion: Nearly 100% of those that responded to this survey indicated that they would vote in the upcoming Primary Election, even though one in five dislike Primary Elections. Many diverse responses were received and are available for review on the full posting online. These show a strong and invested interest by the voters to discuss and shape the future of Elections and Politics in Utah. 

Any Donation large or small is appreciated:

Final Post for this WJD030 Blog -- New Blog Created Today for WJD025

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