Friday, October 28, 2016

Frugal Dougall for State Auditor

What exactly does the State Auditor do for you?

My office ensures that the financial statements for the State of Utah and its public colleges and Universities fairly represent their financial positions. We oversee the adoptions of budgets and the reporting of end-of-year financial spending for approximately 1,000 local government entities and nonprofit organizations. We monitor compliance with federal regulation of federal monies and evaluate the effectiveness of government programs.

We investigate allegations or indications of waste, fraud or abuse, or non-compliance with the law. You may have read news articles about our investigations of theft within the Mapleton Irrigation District, Kane County, and the Utah Schools for the Deaf and Blind.

Whether it's working with the Governor's office to improve the operations within a state agency or working with a county attorney to prosecute a finance director for stealing money, that just part of the job we do on your behalf.

Vote frugal. Vote John Dougall for State Auditor.

John Dougall for State Auditor
PO Box 736
American Fork, UT 84003

October 27, 2016 Utah Republican Newsletter

The Republican

Official Newsletter of the Utah Republican Party

Issue 06
October 27, 2016
We are not makers of history. We are made by history.
- Martin Luther King, Jr.

Did You Know?

  • The deadline to register to vote by mail was October 11, 2016.
  • Early voting is available in some counties. Visit to learn more!
  • Voters can register at the polls on Election Day in eight counties; Salt Lake, Davis, Weber, Cache, Kane, Millard, San Juan and Sanpete.
  • 21 Counties will receive vote by mail ballots. To find out if your county is participating in vote by mail please click here.
  • If you are not sure you are registered to vote, please contact your local County Clerk's office or call the Lt. Governor's office at: 800-995-VOTE.
  • Mail-in ballots must be post marked by November 7th.
  • Voter information is just a click away! Visit:

Vice Presidential Candidate Governor Mike Pence Rallies for Utah!

Thousands of people lined the streets of Salt Lake City Wednesday afternoon hoping to get a glimpse of Vice Presidential Candidate, Governor Mike Pence. Due to limited capacity inside the Infinity Event Center, a second rally was held concurrently outside in support of the VP candidate.

Attendees who were present for the rally inside were treated to a great line-up of special guests including; Greg Hughes, Speaker of the House who introduced Governor Pence, Don Peay, Trump For President & Utah Chairman, and General Robert Oaks who addressed the crowd. Utah Republican Party Chairman James Evans led the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Governor Pence told the crowd that it's time for Republicans to come home. He expressed to the Deseret News after the rally; "That is the message we're delivering all over the country. Utah is in unique circumstances. Frankly, delivering that message here with some of the added attention Utah is getting is probably helping us get that message out across the country."

James Evans, Chairman of the Utah Republican Party said Pence visited Utah "to close the deal" for Trump. Utahns are pragmatic, and they understand a vote against Trump is a vote for Hillary. I just don't think, at the end of the day, Utahns want to deliver Utah to Hillary.

It was an exciting rally filled with supporters from all over the state and beyond. People of all ages were there to hear Vice Presidential Candidate Governor Pence speak. From Utah's youth to our silver seniors, countless individuals from all walks of life came out in droves to support Donald Trump for President. Thank you Governor Pence for taking time out of your busy campaign schedule to make a stop in Utah! The Utah Republican Party supports Donald J. Trump for President! If you would like a yard sign, call or stop by the UTGOP HQ. Contact us at 801.533.9777. You can also visit: for more information.
News coverage of the Governor Mike Pence Rally:

UTGOP Events!

Tuesday, November 8, 2016
2016 Election Night Party!

Please contact:
Sponsorship Information:

Joni Crane, 830.308.7380

Media Inquiries:
Cindie Quintana, 801.879.6136,

Saturday, May 20, 2017
State Organizing Convention

Location: TBD
Do you have a story or photo you would like to see featured in The Republican? Please submit story or photo to:

Elected Official of the Week!

Orrin Hatch

Now in his seventh term as Utah's senator, Orrin Hatch is the most senior Republican in the Senate. Among his many initiatives are the Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution, the Strengthening Our Commitment to Legal Immigration and America’s Security Act, the Religious Freedom Restoration Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, the Antiterrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act, and the Utah School Trust Lands Exchange Act.
Senator Hatch continues to lead in the fight to repeal Obamacare. He is on the front lines of legislative battles to secure the nation’s borders, stop the forced unionization of American workers, and to bring fiscal restraint back to Washington by ending the reckless spending that threatens to bankrupt the nation.
Senator Hatch is the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance. He is also a member (and former Chairman) of the Judiciary Committee; a member (and former Chairman) of the Senate Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Committee; and a member of the Joint Committee on Taxation. He also has the honor of serving on the Board of Directors for the Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington, D.C.

Orrin Grant Hatch was born on March 22, 1934, to Jesse and Helen Hatch. He married Elaine Hansen of Newton, Utah in 1957. Orrin and Elaine Hatch are the proud parents of six children, 23 grandchildren and 14 great-grandchildren.
Featured Photo of the Week!
Sophia DiCaro's son encourages people to turn in their mail-in ballots! Sophia DiCaro is running for re-election in Utah's House District 31. For more information about Sophia, please visit:

Volunteer for the UTGOP!

We are on the homestretch to election night and need your help! If you are interested in helping on a campaign and getting great candidates elected, contact us at 801.533.9777 or email us at to volunteer. We need helping in the following areas:
  • Canvassing
  • Making phone calls
  • Assisting with mailers
  • Events

Meet the UTGOP Officers

James M. Evans

Vice Chairman
Phill Wright
Abe Young

Lisa Shepherd

Utah Republican Party Staff

We are here to assist you!
Executive Director
Bryan Smith

Director of Communications
Cindie Quintana

Political Director
Mattie Tueller

Finance Director
Joni Crane

Justin Anthony

Donate Today!

  • 2016 General Election
  • Sustaining Member
  • Elephant Club

Mia Love is Outraged!

I just received this email from the Mia Love Campaign. I haven't seen the Instagram pictures ad, but it is good to know that the pictures are fake. 

I am frustrated and outraged by the lies and deception that Nancy Pelosi and Doug Owens have demonstrated throughout this campaign.

Their most recent political trick comes from their TV ad that uses fake Instagram pictures designed to look like they came from my account. This is dishonest and downright shameful.

I have sent cease and desists letters to all major cable stations in Utah demanding that this false and deceiving ad be removed — but Doug Owens’ deceptive ads are still up on the air.

Doug Owens knows he can’t win this election by relying on the truth, so he and his liberal ally Nancy Pelosi plotted and schemed a way to mislead the voters and slander my name all in the name of getting elected.

False and negative ads like this one are the reason we launched the Momentum4Mia fund – to combat these baseless attacks from now until the last vote is counted on Election Day.

Contribute right now to help us fight back and keep dishonest people from representing us.

Thank you,
Mia Love

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Warning Message -- Do not give your ballot to someone else to mail or turn in!

Dear Friend,

Due to recent events, it appears Doug Owens and the Utah Democratic Party are collecting ballots from voters in Salt Lake County.

Not only is this cheating, it is also a direct violation of election laws due to the undemocratic nature of undermining fair elections.

  1. If anyone offers to mail in or turn in your ballot for you that this is a method used by Democrats. If this happens to you, please contact the Lieutenant Governors Office immediately. Their telephone number is (801) 538-1041.
  2. Your ballot must be postmarked by November 7th if they are to be counted.
  3. You can ensure that your ballot was received by going to
  4. If your county is participating in vote by mail and you have not received your ballot, please contact your county clerk's office.
  5. WE NEED YOU TO VOTE! Mail in your ballot or cast your vote in person to ensure that Utah continues to be one of the best run states in the nation!

Saturday, October 15, 2016

How to Be an Informed Voter When You Have a Limited Amount of Time

The other day my daughter asked me. "I want to be a responsible voter, but I don't have time to read everything and do a lot of research. Can you tell me how to learn about the issues and the candidates in the least amount of time possible?"

Most of us don't have time to study politics and issues in depth. We are busy with our families, our jobs, our church and community activities. Here are a few suggestions.

1. Focus on issues, not on personalities. We are choosing leaders who (hopefully) will serve us and make our country and communities a better place. We are not choosing a best actor for an Academy Award. You could even start by making a personal list of issues that are most important to you: freedom, health care, national security,education, income inequality, jobs, etc. before you start your research.

2. Read party platforms. They are available online. Here is the National Republican Party Platform  I think it is the best platform we have had in years. (One thing I found interesting is what it says about term limits. I think we desperately need term limits for Congress and I had assumed that we will have to have a convention of states to get them. But in the platform I learned that the Republicans have introduced term limits in Congress several times only to be defeated by Democrats.) At the bottom of this page are links to the Utah and Salt Lake County Republican Party websites. Their platforms are pretty much the same. Here is the Salt Lake County Republican Party Platform and here is the Utah Republican Party Platform.

3. Go to Explore this web site and you will find a wealth of information. You can even register to vote here or make changes to your registration, up until 7 days before the election. You can enter your address and locate a sample ballot. The voter information packet is on this web site. You can request a paper copy be mailed to you, but everything is online and with the sample ballot feature it will be individualized for you. Here is where you can learn about the propositions and the arguments for and against. Here is where you can learn about the judges who will be on the ballot for our approval or disapproval.

4. I like the web site This is much more efficient than Facebook. There are polls. There are links to some of the best articles all across the nation. Much of the stuff on Facebook leads you to disgusting ads and is biased in a ridiculous way. Of course, some of the same articles are on both Real Clear Politics and Facebook.   Real Clear Politics is the web site to be watching on Election Night.

5. There is always this blog with news and announcements for the voters of Precinct WJD030.. I will continue to post things that I think will be helpful. I like to read a lot and I want to write reviews telling some of the things that I have learned. And if anyone wants to write a guest blog post that will be great.

6. I have the DVD of Dinesh D'Sousa's Hillary's America, the Secret History of the Democratic Party Ron and I saw it in the theater and highly recommend it. Call me if you want to borrow it.

7. There are a number of online presentations that are very informational. If you didn't have time to go to the Socialism Destroys Freedom Event recently held at Cottonwood High School you can watch it online. There are lots of events online at My Faith Votes. My favorite so far is An Honest Discussion About a Difficult Election.

8. Don't forget to research local issues and candidates. Your vote is even more important on the local and state level. Most candidates have web sites. Sometimes there are Meet the Candidate Events, but not so much this year. There are broadcasts of debates on public television and some of them are later put on line. For example if you missed the debate between Governor Gary Herbert and Mike Weinholtz you can watch it here.   Here is the link for Mia Love and Doug Owens Debate. Here is the link for the Mike Lee and Misty Snow Debate. For other debates check out Utah Debate Commission.

9. There are many more things you can do to become more informed. I hope this information is helpful. A good  motto is "Pray Think Vote." Really really pray. Really really think about the implications to our community, our state, our country, to our constitution and to our civilization. Take your vote seriously. Vote like your vote is the deciding vote. Some good questions to ask yourself are: Am I basing my decision on me, and my feelings or upon the greater good, the common good of society? Am I looking at personalities or upon policies that will result from electing various candidates? Which candidates best reflect my values? Is my vote more focused on the next 30 days or on the next 30 years?  #PrayThinkVote

(repeat post from (October 11, 2016)

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Movie Review: One Generation Away -- The Erosion of Religious Liberty by American Family Association

Helen Corena loaned me this DVD. It was very well done and motivating. It is a documentary about what is happening to our religious liberty in America. There are cases of numerous court battles, such as Soledad Cross in San Diego, Hobby Lobby, wedding bakers, wedding florist, wedding photographers, religious discrimination in the military, cheerleaders in Texas. Contributors are Mike Huckabee, Eric Metaxas, Russell Moore, Tony Perkins, Rick Santorum, Eric Teetsel, Harry Jackson and more.

Ronald Reagan said "Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction."

I highly recommend this movie.

One Generation Away

Disclaimer: I am not an affiliate marketer with I have provided links to Amazon because Amazon has so much good information about their products. I obtain most of the books I read from the fabulous Salt Lake County Library System.

Helen Corena also introduced me to  There is a wealth of information on this website and tons of thoughtful articles. 

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Why We Wanted to Add Facebook as Our Friend -- Mayor Kim Rolfe

In the October 2016 West Journal I read the 'Mayor's Message" about the consequences of not getting the Facebook data center built in West Jordan. As many of you know, multiple government entities were involved in this. West Jordan City was in favor of this and the Salt Lake County Council was not. I noticed on Facebook at the time that Ben McAdams was particularly opposed. In the end Facebook decided to build in New Mexico and West Jordan lost the benefits of future taxes from other businesses that Facebook would have attracted to our community.

One of the issues of the election is economic development. Because of the Mountain View Highway Corridor there are many opportunities for development in the west side of Salt Lake Valley. Who is going to plan all this development? Is there going to be local control by the elected representatives of the people who live here? Or will others make these decisions? Who is going to get the tax benefits?

I believe this is something that we need to consider when we vote for county mayor. Ben Adams and David Robinson are running.

I tried to find a good link to Mayor Kim Rolfe's well-written message. At the West Jordan Journal's web site they have web pages devoted to Ben Adams County Mayor's Messages but not to Kim Rolfe's West Jordan City Mayor's Messages. However, I was able to find Rolfe's message under E-Editions. So you have to go to an electronic copy of the print edition and go to page 15 and zoom in to read it. It might be easier to read the print edition that was delivered to your home. Here is the link 

Precinct Walking Event Continues

We had a good time last night walking our precinct and distributing flyers for Adam Gardiner our candidate for Utah House District 43 and for Wayne Harper State Senator for District 6. Thank you to Helen Corena, Caralee Sundberg, Nick Lloyd,  Beverly Jacobson, and the Brandon and Kinga Dupuis family for your help.
Adam Gardiner also participated. We like working alongside of our candidates. It was good exercise and the pizza and refreshment and company was wonderful.
You can still participate. Here is a message from Wayne Harper:

My thanks to all who have participated in the first two days of the Senate District 6 Walk Week!! Dozens of people have participated the first two nights.

However, we have many more precincts to walk.

Today is the day that mailed ballots will start to be delivered to voters.

That means the next three days are key to visiting neighbors, distributing flyers and reminding all of the critical need to fill out the ballots and mail them in!!

Please join me and other neighbors and elected officials tonight or Thursday for a major push to distribute flyers and remind everyone to fill our the ballots and vote!

Thank you for your support and the opportunity I have to serve as your senator.

I look forward to seeing you.

Wayne Harper
When: Every evening Oct. 10-14 from 6-8 p.m. Saturday Oct 15 10AM
Where: Meet at Wayne Harper's home 2094 West Surrey Circle
(6035 South 2200 West) Taylorsville
Pizza and refreshments will be provided after the walk!! 😊

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Trump's Comments: The Latest Left Wing Hysteria

I am going to share a link to Dennis Prager's column. I think he does a good job of putting the last week's events into perspective as hysteria being a tactic of left wing politics.

Like everyone else I was disgusted with the video, etc. As far as I know, it is foreign and shocking to my circle of family and friends. We are trying to forget all the specifics and we don't want to hear it again. I think that all of our Utah politicians and  office holders were put in a position of having to condemn Donald Trump and to call for him to resign. They have to protect their own political future. Those of us who have children feel like we have to stand for decency. If we are Christians we know it is not church standards and we think we need to defend our values. We want to be good examples in everything we do.

But I also believe that this election is a battle for good and evil. There is a saying that evil will triumph, if good men do nothing. We need to stop Hillary Clinton and the left wing agenda. She is deceptive. She is a liar. She is not what she says she is. She is for abortion, for gun control, against religious freedom, against American business and free enterprise and job creation. She will keep the poor exactly where they are, so they will continue to vote for her and her party. She is for open borders so that immigrants can come in and change the structure of our society.

If we don't do all we can to stop her, we will have to live with the consequences. I think that we need to put all our efforts into winning the battle. We might have to sacrifice our personal feelings. It might seem like we are going against our consciences. It might seem like a sin to vote for a wicked man.

But we knew who Donald Trump was before the 11-year-old video came out. Maybe that is why we didn't vote for him here in Utah. If you voted for a good candidate in the Primary Caucuses then you can take comfort in that. Such as "I can look my children and grandchildren in the eye and say I voted for Ted Cruz over Donald Trump. I hope that was a decent choice. But now we are in a different stage of the political process and I feel like Donald Trump is the right choice because third party candidates and write-in candidates very rarely win. I am thinking of long term good. I would rather have you live in a country with constitutional rights of religion, free speech, bearing arms, economic opportunity and have military strength and national security than have me being able to have a warm feeling that I voted for someone who didn't offend me."

I realize that I could be wrong and Donald Trump could turn out to be a terrible president. I don't know. But I am going to take that chance and I hope the majority of Americans will take that chance too.

I am with Bishop Harry Jackson. "We are in a street fight. Are you going to fight or step to the side and say 'Ooh-- I am offended." He also said that there are three ways to support Hillary  Clinton. 1. Vote for her. 2. Vote for a third party or write-in candidate. 3. Don't vote. Be the good person who did nothing.

So after that rant. Here is the link to Dennis Prager's explanation of left wing hysteria.

Final Post for this WJD030 Blog -- New Blog Created Today for WJD025

Go to  for this first post in the new blog. Then follow this new  blog for more news and information. With redistric...