Friday, September 25, 2020

Media Bias Against Burgess Owens


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Burgess Owens, as we are realizing, is the real deal.  A black man raised in the segregated south, Owens’ high school experience was like a real-life version of the Disney film “Remember the Titans.”  Forced to fight, all while dealing with prejudice and bigotry of his white counterparts, Burgess eventually earned their respect. He later played with the NFL, where some of his most ardent opponents are now his biggest allies. 

But, Owens’ journey didn’t stop there. His life has since been an incredible journey of successes and failures that have helped those around him, taught him valuable lessons, and made him the success that he is.  McAdams’ story -- Ivy League school, white-shoe law firm, election victory after election victory while climbing the political ladder of success -- well, it simply couldn’t be more different from Owens’s story. 

And Owens is still fighting an uphill battle, even today.  He is still fighting an onslaught of attacks, not in the segregated south, but right here in Utah, funded by Nancy Pelosi.  And while he fights, his opponent receives the privilege of what we call media “puff pieces.”

In fact, a report released yesterday by the Media Research Center (MRC) followed the local coverage of the Owens/McAdams race during the last 10 weeks, and shows us a textbook example of what it looks like for a media outlet to try to subtly “tilt” the election in favor of their preferred candidate. 

MRC analyzed all of its stories about the 4th Congressional District during the last 10 weeks, and found that McAdams essentially enjoyed “10 weeks of one-sided favorable coverage.”  It also found that while there it had “essentially no negative topics” about the Democrat, there were many stories referencing negative topics about the Republican, Burgess Owens. 

More disturbing, not only were there no negative stories about McAdams, they found “an assortment of positive stories which reinforced his campaign themes of independence and service on behalf of Utahns.” 

If that statement doesn’t make you angry, perhaps you didn’t read it carefully.  Let me repeat it:  MRC said that the coverage of McAdams consisted of “positive stories which reinforced his campaign themes.” 

This makes my job even more difficult. But as conservatives, we are used to this battle. And here in Utah, it’s the same battle. 

Owens’ life is frightening to Democrats like Pelosi, because he has done the one thing Democrats fear most from someone like him:  succeed. 

And yesterday’s new report simply tells us what we already know:  we simply cannot rely on the media to help Utahns get to know the real Burgess Owens. They are more than happy to highlight his failures.  But they will never tell us about his successes. 

In short, we need your help. Please donate so we can counter these nonstop attacks on a good man--a man whose life is truly the American dream, and who is exactly the kind of person we need in Congress.

Derek Brown














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Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Utah Deserves Better



Burgess Owens has been sharing his heart-wrenching and incredible life story with Utah. He pulled himself out of bankruptcy, working as a chimney sweep to provide for his young family, creating success out of failures.  

In his nationally-televised speech at the Republican National Convention, he said “I’m running for Congress because we don’t need more career politicians.  We need a few more chimney sweeps.”

Burgess’s life story showcases everything good about America:  an African American man who had nothing, struggled against the odds, and created the American Dream.  

Now … do you understand why Ben McAdams and his party are spending millions of dollars flooding the airwaves trying to tear Burgess down?

McAdams is now flooding the airwaves, criticizing Burgess for his failures -- all the while failing to tell you how the Burgess story even ends.  Yes, he failed, as we all do.  But more importantly, he refused to believe he was a victim, picked himself up, and eventually succeeded.

Unfortunately, McAdams “forgets” to tell us the rest of the Burgess story.

In that light, it’s also easy to see why Burgess is a threat--not only to McAdams--but to the person who has helped him raise those millions, the one McAdams votes with 89% of the time:  Nancy Pelosi.

You see, McAdams is about to spend literally millions of dollars in the next two months defaming a hardworking man whose story epitomizes everything good about America.

And after everything Utahns have endured in 2020, they will now watch McAdams’ unrelenting attacks on Burgess for the next two months for simply doing the one thing Democrats fear most:  succeed.

However, our party is committed to Burgess’s success, and we need your help.

Please donate TODAY to help us elect Burgess to Congress--a man who, through his failures, has succeeded in creating the American Dream.

After all, when a good man like Burgess succeeds, we all succeed.

Chairman Derek Brown












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