Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Final Post for this WJD030 Blog -- New Blog Created Today for WJD025

Go to for this first post in the new blog. Then follow this new blog for more news and information.

With redistricting WJD030 has changed to WJD025. The boundaries are still the same.

Republican caucuses were held last night. The new Officers and Delegates are:

Precinct Chair:  Jeanette Drake

Vice Chair:  Brandon Dupuis

Secretary-Treasurer: Joshua Herman

State Convention Delegates: Van Walther, Helen Corena

County Convention Delegates:  Joshua Herman, Brandon Dupuis, Helen Corena

Fifteen people attended our Precinct Caucus Meeting at Bennion Jr. High School 

and it was a good meeting.

For anyone who wants to have a further political discussion, please come to the 

home of Ron and Jeanette Drake (1856 W Drake Lane) at 7:00 PM next Tuesday, 

March 15, 2022.

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Goud Maragani for Salt Lake County Clerk


This is last minute personal political message. I believe everyone should take one issue and work on it (few of us have time for more). I have chosen the issue of election integrity. The Salt Lake County Republican Party has an election integrity committee and I am a member. Goud is also part of this committee. We are working to establish a protocol for poll watching. I am impressed with Goud and I hope he is our next Salt Lake County Clerk.  
February 11, 2022

GOUD Maragani (R) announces his candidacy for Salt Lake County Clerk 2022!

GOUD believes we need to ensure that every legal vote counts in elections. GOUD has developed a number of concrete measures to make elections in Salt Lake County more transparent and accountable. Goud is the perfect fit for the office of Salt Lake County Clerk.

GOUD earned a law degree from Georgetown University Law Center and has worked for the U.S. Dept of Justice and the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. GOUD is a first-generation American and a Major in the Utah National Guard who served in Afghanistan and Kuwait.

GOUD currently is a compliance attorney for a Utah-based company doing business in 180 countries around the world. His specialty is designing and implementing efficient and transparent systems that comply with regulations and laws worldwide.

GOUD will work to shore up the public trust by making the voting process clear and transparent from start to finish.

For more information please visit

GOUD for Salt Lake County Clerk

Caucus Meeting Is Tonight

 Caucus Meeting is tonight!

Bennion Jr. High School, 6055 South 2700 West

Here is some last-minute information.

There will be a food drive. Please bring a can or other nonperishable food which will be donated to the Utah Food Bank. The Salt Lake County Republican Party has a Compassionate Service Committee, and this is one of their projects. I just learned of this last night.

Also please prepare to make donations to the Republican Party. They need money to operate and to elect Republicans. They are conservative with their money. Wherever possible they have decided to use printed materials from 2020 when Caucus Meetings were cancelled due to COVID. This saved the expense of printing new materials.

Consider joining the Elephant Club. I am a member. You commit to make a monthly donation that is automatically taken from your credit card. The Elephant Club was very helpful at the last election, especially since we didn’t have the funds that would have been donated at the caucus meeting that was cancelled. (insert link)

When you file your state income taxes, please check the box for donations to the Republican party. Money has already been set aside in the state budget for this. We might as well use it.

Tonight’s meeting starts at 7:00 PM, BUT you need to go early to get registered. Registration starts at 6:00 PM. You will need to show your driver’s license and the QR code on the back will be scanned. This will verify that you are a registered Republican. Then you will be issued a wristband and told where our precinct will meet. You can register as a Republican tonight if necessary. You can also register without your driver's license, but you will need to go to the Help Desk for that.

Next go to the auditorium where the Caucus Meeting will start. We will have the prayer, the pledge of allegiance and the reading of the platform there. Then we will separate to the individual precincts for the rest of the agenda. The main business of this meeting is to elect new precinct officers (chair, vice chair, secretary, treasurer) and 3 county delegates and 2 state delegates.

The County Convention is April 8. The State Convention is April 23.

I am hoping for an efficient election process. If you want to talk politics we can do that after the balloting. But in the case of multiple ballots it is important to complete the election before people start leaving the meeting.

If you are planning of running to be a delegate, be prepared to tell the group which candidates and policies you are leaning towards. Also, if there is any question whether you can attend the conventions, do not run as a delegate. Also, you must give your contact information so that candidates can contact you. The job of a delegate is to vet the candidates and ask questions and study the issues. You will be doing this on behalf of the rest of us. We appreciate this service.

I want to thank Lorraine College, Glade Hatch, Helen Corena for representing us the last four years. Because of COVID their terms were extended. Some of the conventions were held virtually. Vetting of candidates was also virtual via Zoom and Facebook Live. I also served as a county and state delegate because I appointed myself to replace delegates who moved.

That is all for now. I might write more later today. I hope we have a successful precinct meeting tonight.

Jeanette Drake

Friday, March 4, 2022


Agenda for Caucus Night -- Not negotiable


Announcement from the Utah Republican Party -- Chairman Jorgensen


Scroll down for the message.

Go Here for Caucus Information.

The Utah Republican Party has recently updated their website and now has educational videos about the caucus system.

 My Fellow Utahns,

Do you look out at the political landscape and wish there was something you could do? Do you want to get involved, but just don't know where to start?

Join us for caucus night on March 8th at 7:00 PM. Neighborhood Caucus is the biennial meeting of a party precinct where neighbors elect new precinct leaders and precinct delegates who reflect the values of the neighborhood and the party.

Precinct Leaders promote the party and coordinate party efforts within the precinct, such as voter registration, get-out-the vote drives, and planning the next Neighborhood Caucus.

Precinct Delegates work on behalf of the precinct to review and vet party candidates for public office, then vote with other delegates to bring the best candidates in each race to the party primary

To find your new precinct and meeting location go to 

and enter your address.

We look forward to seeing you this Tuesday!

-Chairman Jorgensen

Visit for more information on caucus night.

REMINDER: The deadline for filing to become a candidate for Utah elected offices has been changed by the passage of SB 170. The new submission deadlines will be Monday, February 28th until Friday, March 4th at 5:00 PM.



Facebook  Twitter  Instagram
Utah Republican Party | 15 W South TempleSte 250Salt Lake City, UT 84101

Other Resources for Caucus Night


Robert's Rules of Order for Caucus Night


Neighborhood Caucus Rules


I apologize that these pages are hard to read. It was a pdf document and probably I shouldn't have copied it. But I think it is important for caucus participants to have access to the rules.  JHD

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Salt Lake County Republican Party Platform

 Salt Lake County Republican Party Platform (last revised April 13, 2019)


We, the Republican Party of Salt Lake County, affirm our belief in God and declare our support for

government based upon a moral and spiritual foundation. We affirm freedom for every individual as

expressed in the Declaration of Independence and protected by the Constitution. We believe that

citizens' needs are best met through free enterprise, private initiative, and volunteerism. We support

the “Rule of Law” and believe in upholding the law of the land.


We believe government properly exists by the consent of the governed and must be restrained from

intruding into the freedoms of its citizens. The function of government is not to grant rights, but to

protect the unalienable, God-given rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


We recognize the rights of the individual to own property. We resist any effort by government to take

private property without an overwhelming need for public use. We strongly oppose the forfeiture of

private property from innocent owners.


We oppose congressional, judicial, and executive abrogation of the principle that the powers not

delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the

States respectively, or to the people. We oppose unreasonable and intrusive federal mandates.

Municipal, county, state and federal governments each have rights and duties that should not be

infringed upon or usurped by other government entities.


We demand honesty, integrity, morality, and accountability of our public officials. We will work to

expose and stop corruption.


We support a military force of sufficient strength and readiness including a robust nuclear deterrent to

deter any threat to our national sovereignty or to the safety and freedom of our citizens. We strongly

support and honor the selfless service and sacrifices of Utah’s military service members and veterans

along with their families. We also strongly support legislation at the state and national levels to protect

our electrical power grid against Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) attack. We oppose placement of United

States troops under any foreign command, including the United Nations. We support the Constitutional

mandate to protect and secure our national borders. We support lawful efforts of local law enforcement

agencies to protect citizens in their homes and in their communities. We urge reform of the legal system

to accomplish a swift and balanced administration of justice, including consideration of rights of the

victim. We support capital punishment when appropriate.


We support the individual constitutionally-protected right of the people to keep and bear arms for

security and defense of self, family, others, property, or the state, as well as for other lawful purposes.

We encourage personal responsibility for the care and use of these firearms.


We claim freedom of religion for every citizen and expect the protection of government in securing to us

this unalienable right. We affirm the right to religious expression, including prayer, in both private and



We recognize the traditional family as the fundamental unit of society. We agree with the Utah State

Constitution, Article 1, Section 29, where it affirms that “Marriage consists only of the legal union

between a man and a woman.” We affirm that parents have the fundamental right and primary

responsibility to direct the upbringing of their children and to provide nurturing care, discipline and

training in moral values. We oppose any efforts that seek to undermine a strong family unit, as we

believe the American family is the foundation of a civil society. We support current Utah law which

requires that sex education in the classroom stress abstinence before marriage and fidelity after

marriage. We believe pornography is a public health crisis and support efforts by our state and national

leaders to oppose it.


We believe in the right to life for both the born and unborn. We strongly oppose abortion, except to

preserve the life of the mother or in cases of rape or incest. We believe the unborn child has a

fundamental right to life which cannot be infringed. We believe all human life is sacred regardless of age

or infirmity, and therefore we oppose abortion, euthanasia, assisted suicide, and the public funding of

any of these abhorrent practices.


We believe that the primary responsibility for meeting basic human needs rests with the individual, the

family, and the voluntary charitable organizations. We recognize, however, that there are special social

needs which must be addressed through county human service programs. We support requiring welfare

recipients to work towards self-sufficiency.


We recognize the contributions made to our quality of life through ethnic diversity. We support the rule

of law and legal immigration to the United States. We believe that control of our borders is an urgent

national security interest. We encourage a civil discourse as we address the future of immigration.


We believe that no individual is entitled to rights that exceed or supersede the God-given individual

rights guaranteed by the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution of the State of Utah.


We believe that all children should have access to quality education. Parents have the primary right and

responsibility to educate their children, and we support their right to choose public, private, or home

education. We support incentives to promote competitive excellence. We encourage cooperative

initiatives to help all Utahans become literate in English. We support the prudent and profitable use of

school trust lands. We support all interest and dividends from the permanent State School Fund being

distributed to each public and charter school to improve student academic performance.


We are committed to fiscal responsibility and oppose any legislation which does not promote a balanced

budget. We believe that deficit spending on the state and national level is unethical and we support

cutting wasteful programs wherever possible. We accept the necessity for limited taxation in order for

government to perform and administer those services which meet essential public needs. However, we

recognize that the power to tax is also the power to control, and believe that the best way to control

government is to strictly limit the amount of taxes imposed on the people. We encourage further

simplification of tax systems, the elimination of the estate tax, and broad-based rate reduction where



We recognize that government regulation can be a major impediment to productivity and to

competition. We must rely more on market forces and less on government. Regulatory power now

exercised by the federal government must be eliminated or returned to state and local governments.


We believe that a strong, diversified economy based on a positive work ethic, a well trained and well

educated work force, a business-friendly environment, and safe work place will help Utah compete in a

global marketplace. We believe deregulation and privatization promote a healthy economy and that

government should not influence or compete in private markets. We are in servitude to the state when

the state usurps the power to determine the value of our labor or our property. We believe that

developing our human resources is essential to the future of Utah. We believe that America’s free

enterprise system is the best economic system ever devised to ensure equal opportunity and increased

prosperity for all of our citizens. We support efforts by our elected national leaders to put our country

first, eliminate our massive trade deficit and support free and fair trade. We oppose federal subsidies

and bailouts to large corporations and small businesses. We support the Utah Right to Work Law.


We appreciate the quality of our environment. Our air, water, and land are at the heart of our existence

and must be protected through balanced management. We support reasonable laws and volunteer

efforts to improve air and water quality. We continue to seek responsible solutions to controversies

surrounding uses of our wilderness. We seek to preserve the environment while serving the best

interests of our Salt Lake County citizens. We oppose as unconstitutional the declaration by any

President without approval from Congress of any large tract of land as a national monument. We call on

the Governor of the State of Utah to use the Constitutional Defense Fund and other resources at his

disposal to bring any such declaration affecting Utah before the United States Supreme Court for


The Salt Lake County Party Platform is read at all Caucus Meetings. It will be read at the meeting next Tuesday March 8, 2022. The Salt Lake County Republican Party takes this platform seriously. Recently, an elected member of the State Central Committee from Salt Lake County was censured due to her participation in the Salt Lake Tribune Editorial opinion that the Utah National Guard should be called upon to enforce vaccine mandates. See for more information.

Tuesday, March 1, 2022

Caucus Meeting is in One Week on March 8, 2022

 Caucus Meeting will be held on March 8, 2022, at Bennion Jr. High School, 6055 South 2700 West in Taylorsville, Utah.

Registration will start at 6:00 PM and the Meeting will start at 7:00 PM. 

Because of  Redistricting, we are now Precinct WJD025 instead of WJD030. Our precinct boundaries are the same (Redwood Road, 2200 West, 7000 South, 7600 South). 

We are in State House District 36, State Senate District 16, County Council District 3, State School Board District 8, and U. S. Congressional District 4.

All of the precincts of Legislative District 36 will meet at Bennion Jr. High School, but each precinct will have its own separate meeting and elections.

At the Caucus Meeting, we will be electing a precinct chair, a precinct vice-chair, a secretary-treasurer, 2 state delegates, and 3 county delegates.

Only registered Republican voters will be allowed to vote. Everyone will be checked in electronically. It is possible to register as a Republican that night. (Some Democrats do this and then switch back to the Democratic party later.)

It is possible to cast absentee ballots, but arrangements must be made ahead of time. Please contact Jeanette Drake for instructions. Certain procedures must be followed at least 72 hours ahead of time.

Wednesday, February 16, 2022

New dates for Candidate Filing in Utah February 28 -- March 4, 2022


Note:  WJD030 has been changed because of redistricting to WJD025. But I will continue to share Republican Party news at this website until the Caucus Meeting on March 8, 2022.  JHD






 UTGOP members,


With the elections upcoming, we encourage everyone to participate. We want to get as many great candidates as possible. We look forward to a great election season. Join us for caucus night on March 8th at 7:00 PM. Visit for more information on caucus night.


The deadline for filing to become a candidate has been changed by the passage of SB 170. The new submission deadlines will be Monday, February 28th until Friday, March 4th at 5:00 PM.






SB 170, which was passed and signed by the Governor on February 14, changed the candidate declaration filing period for the General 2022 elections. 

The period for declaring candidacy for the 2022 general election is Monday, February 28 through Friday, March 4 at 5PM. The request for this change was made by the political parties to the state legislature. Judicial retention filings were not changed by this bil and will still be July 1 - July 15. 

How to File: Potential candidates should complete the forms for the office that they wish to declare their candidacy. Forms should NOT be signed until the candidate appears before the filing officer. The only exception is for a person declaring their candidacy who will be outside of Utah the entire filing period (Feb 28-Mar 4). 

State candidates must file a disclosure statement. Disclosure accounts must be created on For incumbents, a disclosure statement filed in 2022 is required. For new candidates, a disclosure statement must be completed prior to filing and within the past 10 days 

UTAH STATE CAPITOL, SUITE 220 · P.O. Box 142325 · SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84114-2325 

TEL: (801) 538-1041 · Fax: (801) 538 -1133 

In the case of a candidate outside of Utah that entire week, the candidate should sign in front of a notary public and have a designee bring the forms in person to the filing officer, during the filing period. The designee must be prepared to coordinate a virtual meeting with the candidate and filing officer where the candidate can be heard and seen. 20A-9-202(1)(c) An example of this is Google Meet, Zoom, Facetime, etc. 

Where to File: 


Candidate Type/Office 

Where to File 

Filing Fee: 

U.S. Senate 

Office of the Lt. Governor 


U. S. House of Representative

Office of the Lt. Governor 


State Senator 


County clerk of Residence OR Office of the Lt. Governor 

State House of Representative 


County clerk of Residence OR Office of the Lt. Governor 

State Board of Education 


County clerk of Residence OR Office of the Lt. Governor 

State Treasurer 


Local County candidates Local School Board 

Office of the Lt. Governor 

County Clerk's Office County Clerk's Office 

$50 +0.00125 x annual salary $50.00 


Contact info: Contact the Office of the Lt. Governor at 801-538-1041, or you may contact your local county clerk for information. 



Beaver County 

105 E. Center St, Beaver 


Box Elder 

1 S. Main Street, Box Elder 




179 N. Main Street, Logan 




751 East 100 North, Price 




95 N 1st West, Manila 




61 South Main St, Farmington 




734 North Center St, Duchesne 




75 E Main, Castle Dale 




55 S Main, Panguitch 




125 E Center, Moab 




68 S 100 E, Parowan 




160 N Main, Nephi 




76 N Main St, Kanab 




765 S Highway 99, Fillmore 




48 West Young St, Morgan 




550 N Main St, Junction 

435-577-2840 435-793-2415 



20 South Main, Randolph 


Salt Lake 

2001 S State Street, Salt Lake City 



San Juan 

117 South Main St, Monticello 




160 N Main, Manti 




250 N Main St, Richfield 




60 N Main St, Coalville 




47 S Main, Tooele 




147 East Main, Vernal 




100 E Center, Provo 




25 N Main, Heber City 




197 East Tabernacle St, St. George 




18 South Main, Loa 




2380 Washington Blvd, Ogden 




Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Redistricting Changes for Our Precinct

  •  Because of redistricting for the 2020 census some things have changed.
  • We still have the same precinct boundaries (7000 S, 7600 S., 2200 West, Redwood Road). But the name has changed to WJD025.
  • We are still in Congressional District 4 and Burgess Owens is our representative.
  • We are in State Senate District 16 and Wayne Harper is our senator.
  • We are in a new state house district (District 36) and Jim Dunnigan is our representative in the state legislature.
  • We are still in County Council District 3 and Aimee Winder Newton is our representative.
  • Finally, we are looking forward to in-person caucus meetings again. The Republican caucuses will be on Tuesday, March 8, 2022, and our precinct will meet at Bennion Junior High.
  • More information is available from the Salt Lake County Clerk at

Final Post for this WJD030 Blog -- New Blog Created Today for WJD025

Go to  for this first post in the new blog. Then follow this new  blog for more news and information. With redistric...