Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Precinct Elections at Caucus

Here is a list of those selected to represent our precinct in the political process for the next two years.

Precinct Chair           Jeanette Drake

Precinct Vice Chair   Dee Peel

Secretary/Treasurer  Michael Mahnken

State Delegate          Van Walther

State Delegate          Nick Lloyd

County Delegate      Adam Gardiner

County Delegate      Jeanette Drake

County Delegate      Bruce Sailor

County Delegate      Ty Grigg

County Delegate      Skip Overby

FYI: Merlene Cook is a member of our Precinct and she is a Regional Chair for the Salt Lake County Republican Party.

I would like to thank everyone who attended the Caucus Meeting last night. We had 38 attend our Caucus Meeting two years ago and this year's attendance was roughly three times that. We are all busy people but hopefully we can all pick some way to serve our country and our community by participating as responsible informed citizens in our political process.

Presidential Preference Results for WJD030

Here are the results from the Caucus Meeting held Tuesday March 22, 2016.

Cruz                    72 votes

Kasich                 28 votes

Trump                 11 votes

none of the above 1 vote

Total Votes cast at Caucus Meeting 112

There were also 17 voters who chose to vote for President of the United States online.

Monday, March 21, 2016

Running for County and State Delegate at Caucus tomorrow night

Tomorrow we will be electing precinct officers and county and state delegates.
If you are planning on running for county or state delegate, please be prepared to tell the caucus attendees which candidates you will be supporting, or at least some of your thoughts and which way your are leaning.

COUNTY DELEGATES: County delegates will decide two convention races this year, both for the legislature.
House District 43: Earl Tanner (incumbent) v. Adam Gardiner
Senate District 6 (Most of HD43): Wayne Harper (incumbent) v. Jeff Haaga (West Jordan City Council)
Senate District 10 (A little of HD43): Lincoln Fillmore (incumbent) v. Rich Cunningham (currently in Utah House)
US Senate: Mike Lee (incumbent) v. William Gaskill
Governor: Gary Herbert (incumbent) v. Jonathan Johnson v. Nate Jensen v. Carlos Tavares
State Treasurer: David Damschen (incumbent) v. Merrill Cook

Helpful Caucus Information from Representative Earl Tanner

I was delighted to find an email from Earl Tanner this morning with all this helpful information!!!

I was wondering if the Salt Lake County Clerk Office would be able to give me a sample ballot or tell me who had registered for office.

Here is a link to the full email online: Earl Tanner Campaign Archive March 21, 2016

Here is what I was able to copy and paste:

Dear Friends,

Where and When do we meet? All of Legislative District 43 (our House district) will be meeting at the West Jordan Middle School, 7550 S Redwood Road. Registration starts at 6 pm and the Caucus starts at 7 pm.
EVERYONE: This is our presidential primary for the Republican convention. Votes may be cast at the caucus meeting, online during the day (7am - 11pm), and by absentee ballot. If you did not pre-register, come in person. You will also be voting for delegates to the county and state conventions.
COUNTY DELEGATES: County delegates will decide two convention races this year, both for the legislature.
House District 43: Earl Tanner (incumbent) v. Adam Gardiner
Senate District 6 (Most of HD43): Wayne Harper (incumbent) v. Jeff Haaga (West Jordan City Council)
Senate District 10 (A little of HD43): Lincoln Fillmore (incumbent) v. Rich Cunningham (currently in Utah House)
US Senate: Mike Lee (incumbent) v. William Gaskill
Governor: Gary Herbert (incumbent) v. Jonathan Johnson v. Nate Jensen v. Carlos Tavares
State Treasurer: David Damschen (incumbent) v. Merrill Cook
Last year, our caucus attendance was 603 (all precincts in District 43). This year, let's leave that in the dust!

Thank you!

(Pictured below): My wife and I are joined by two of the amazing interns who help the legislature immensely during the session.
Earl Tanner

Representative - District 43
(801) 792-2156

Friend me on Facebook:

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Today is the Last Day to Register to Vote Online

You have until midnight tonight to register to cast your caucus vote online. Go to before midnight tonight and register for online voting. Then you will receive an email with your PIN number which will allow you to vote your presidential preference online next Tuesday between 7:00 AM and 11:00 PM.

At this site you can also pre-register for the caucus meeting on March 22, 2016.

If you cannot attend your precinct caucus meeting you can also send an absentee ballot with someone else.

It has never been easier to cast your vote at Republican Caucus Meetings.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Presidential Debate in Salt Lake City has been cancelled.

This one of the most lame excuses I have ever heard.
"Nobody even told me about it," Trump told Fox News' "Fox and Friends" Wednesday when asked if he'd be at the Salt Lake debate. "I'm doing a major speech in front of a very important group of people that night and it was scheduled a while ago."
Now we know what Trump thinks about Utah. 

"On Monday, Fox News was announced as the media partner for the debate and the Salt Palace was named the site. More than 50,000 Utahns had signed up for debate tickets with the state Republican Party.
Evans said because of the interest in the debate, the Utah GOP has extended the online registration process to participate in the online presidential preference election until midnight Thursday. More information is available at"

Presidential Debate on Monday March 21, 2016 ???

I learned this information from the link  below to the Salt Lake Tribune article.

I found this article link in the right column on this very blog (WJD030GOP).

The Presidential Debate in Salt Lake City has been up in the air. Trump said he was tired of debates and thought we had had enough debates and therefore he was not going to come to Salt Lake City. But after losing to Governor Kasich in Ohio yesterday he may have changed his mind according to the Salt Lake Tribune.

The debate will be in the Salt Palace and be moderated by Fox News.

However I just went to  (one of my favorite web sites)

and found this article in the Washington Examiner.

According to this article Donald Trump will not be coming to Utah for the debate. So will Kasich and Cruz debate each other? What will happen in Utah?

The Utah GOP will have 40 delegates at the National Republican Convention. If one candidate gets more than 50% of the votes in the Tuesday Caucuses then that candidate will get all 40 delegates for himself. If one candidate does not get more than 50% then the delegates will be awarded proportionally to the votes cast.

So it seems like the Trump, Cruz and Kasich would all want to get more than 50% of the Utah Caucus vote. Be sure to vote in Tuesday's Caucus. Your vote will make a difference!

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Caucus Room Assignment

I just learned our room assignment for the West Jordan District 030 Republican Caucus. So you can go directly to our class room meeting place. Our assignment is room 210 on the second floor of West Jordan Middle School. There will be a meet and greet from 6:00 to 7:00 PM and the caucus will start at 7:00 PM. It is one week from tonight March 22. I still haven't heard anything about the Presidential Primary Debate in Salt Lake City on March 21.

I will be having a meeting at my house on Thursday March 17 at 7:00 PM to prepare for Caucus. Anyone who wants to help out is welcome to come.


Monday, March 14, 2016

How to Vote Online in the Republican Presidential Preference Caucus

Only eight days until Utah Caucus Night!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Find Your Caucus Location

How to Identify Your Caucus Location

To identify your caucus location, visit the Lt. Governor's website located at: then enter your address, city and zip. It's as easy as 123! Click on the image below to take you directly to the website. Many of your questions related to Caucus can be found at

Thank you,

James Evans
Chairman, Utah Republican Party

If you live in WJD030 and you are a Republican, your caucus location is West Jordan Middle School, 7550 South Redwood Road in West Jordan. Come between 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM for a Meet and Greet. The Caucus will begin at 7:00 PM

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Latest News from Utah GOP

Countdown to Caucus Newsletter!
Our goal at The Utah Republican Party is to keep Republicans informed. We wanted to give you an update about the upcoming RNC Debate scheduled for March 21, 2016. As of today, there is no additional information about the location/venue for the upcoming debate. We are expecting an announcement at the end of this week. We want to encourage everyone to register for Caucus at:

You can also register for Presidential Debate tickets there as well. We are anticipating record turnout at Caucus this year! Please spread the word about the importance of attending your neighborhood Caucus this year! We have listed some frequently asked questions below. If you have additional questions, please give us a call at:
Frequently Asked Questions
What is a Neighborhood Precinct Caucus?
A caucus is a meeting sponsored by political parties where you and your neighbors from your voting precinct meet together once every two years to elect a few of your fellow neighbors as delegates to represent your voting precinct at the political party’s convention where Republican Candidates are chosen. This year you will be able to cast your Republican Presidential Preference ballot at your Neighborhood Caucus in person or on-line.
Who Can Participate in a Neighborhood Precinct Caucus?
Anyone can attend a caucus meeting, however, in order to participate in your neighborhood caucus, you must live in the precinct, be at least 18 years of age by the general election date, and be a registered Republican or affiliate as a Republican.

What Happens at a Neighborhood Precinct Caucus and How Long Does it Last?
Delegates, read the Party’s platform, discuss and learn about the Party’s candidates. The caucus starts at 7pm and usually last about 2 hours.

What do Delegates and Precinct Officers Do?
Delegates represent their precinct at county and state party conventions where they vote for candidates who will go on to public primary or general elections. Precinct officers represent their precinct on the governing body of the political party and work to get Republican candidates elected.

Where is my Neighborhood Caucus?
Visit for more information on where your neighborhood precinct caucus will be held.

What is the Republican Presidential Preference Caucus?
The Republican Presidential Caucus is essentially a Presidential Primary that is administered by the political party on March 22, 2016. You may cast your ballot in-person at your precinct caucus, on-line (7am -11pm), or by absentee ballot.

We also encourage you to visit our website at: for on-going updates about the upcoming Caucus. You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter!

Thank you,

James Evans
Utah Republican Party

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

How to Request Tickets to the Presidential Debate in SLC

Here is one way to request tickets to the Presidential Debate.
  • Go to the Salt Lake County Republican Party Web Site at  
  • There are two places on the home page (scroll down to see the entire page) saying "RNC Tickets Presidential Debate -- March 21st in Salt Lake City."
  • Click on either link and you will be taken to a page to fill out a form and request a ticket to the debate.
  • You may only request one ticket and you must be 18 or older to participate.
  • You will also be given the opportunity to contribute to the Republican Party online. 

March 15 is the Deadline to Pre-Register to Cast Your Presidential Ballot Online!

Mark Your Calendars!

Only One Week Left to Pre-register!

The March 15th deadline is quickly approaching to pre-register to cast your presidential ballot online on March 22, 2016. We encourage you to pre-register as soon as possible. Please visit:

We also encourage you to visit our website at: for on-going updates about the upcoming Caucus.

Thank you,

James Evans
Utah Republican Party

Final Post for this WJD030 Blog -- New Blog Created Today for WJD025

Go to  for this first post in the new blog. Then follow this new  blog for more news and information. With redistric...