Here is a list of those selected to represent our precinct in the political process for the next two years.
Precinct Chair Jeanette Drake
Precinct Vice Chair Dee Peel
Secretary/Treasurer Michael Mahnken
State Delegate Van Walther
State Delegate Nick Lloyd
County Delegate Adam Gardiner
County Delegate Jeanette Drake
County Delegate Bruce Sailor
County Delegate Ty Grigg
County Delegate Skip Overby
FYI: Merlene Cook is a member of our Precinct and she is a Regional Chair for the Salt Lake County Republican Party.
I would like to thank everyone who attended the Caucus Meeting last night. We had 38 attend our Caucus Meeting two years ago and this year's attendance was roughly three times that. We are all busy people but hopefully we can all pick some way to serve our country and our community by participating as responsible informed citizens in our political process.
News and Announcements for the Voters of Precinct WJD030 in West Jordan Utah
Final Post for this WJD030 Blog -- New Blog Created Today for WJD025
Go to for this first post in the new blog. Then follow this new blog for more news and information. With redistric...
The Women's Republican Club Of Salt Lake City invites all interested Republicans to come to our January meeting . Come start the Ne...
The Utah Legislature is in session. Both our Senator Wayne Harper and our Representative Earl Tanner are welcoming feedback and input from t...