Thursday, September 29, 2016

Utah Republican Newsletter

The Republican

Official Newsletter of the Utah Republican Party

Issue 02
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September 28, 2016
The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon. - George Washington

Upcoming Events!

State Central Committee Meeting
October 8, 2016

10:00 AM
Utah Valley University
Library Auditorium, LI120
800 W. University Parkway
Orem, UT 84058

October 11, 2016
Annual Golf Tournament
Location: Thanksgiving Point
For details and sponsorship information, please contact: Joni Crane,
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
October Elephant Club Luncheon

Alta Club
Guest Speaker:
Congressman Jason Chaffetz
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
RSVP: Click Here
For additional information,
please call: 801-533-9777

Tuesday, November 8, 2016
2016 Election Night Party!

For details and sponsorship information, please contact:
Cindie Quintana, 801.879.6136, or
Joni Crane,

Jason Chaffetz

Congressional District 3
Meet Congressman Jason Chaffetz. He represents Utah's 3rd Congressional District and prides himself on fiscal discipline, limited government, and accountability. Congressman Chaffetz is a champion for truth, and needless to say, is one of Hillary Clinton's fiercest opponents. He is the Republican Chairman of the House Oversight Committee that is leading the charge in investigating Hillary Clinton's use of a private email server, and her 30,000+ deleted emails.
Congressman Chaffetz did not accept the FBI's findings as a final answer when FBI Director James Comey failed to find that Hillary Clinton was not guilty of any wrong doing and dismissed Clinton's actions as extremely careless. He is asking the Justice Department to "investigate and determine whether Secretary Clinton or her employees and contractors violated statutes that prohibit destruction of records, obstruction of congressional inquiries, and concealment of cover-up of evidence material to a congressional committee.” (The Denver Post)

Congressman Chaffetz is leading the way in uncovering Hillary Clinton's deception of the American people. He recognizes that Clinton is not above the law, and just like anyone else who has broken the law, wants to hold her accountable. Utah is fortunate to have Congressman Chaffetz representing truth and accountability in Washington D.C.

Jason has been married to his wife Julie since 1991, they have 3 children. He attended Brigham Young University and graduated with a B.A. in Communications. Prior to serving in Congress, he worked in the private sector specializing in corporate communications. Jason previously worked as campaign manager and chief of staff to former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman prior to running for Congress. He is currently serving his fourth term in the U.S. House of Representatives. For more information about Congressman Jason Chaffetz visit:

We Are Looking
for Great Volunteers!

Are you wanting to become more involved in Utah politics? The Utah Republican Party is seeking volunteers to assist with the 2016 campaign season! If you are interested in helping with the political process, helping great candidates get elected, and making a difference in Utah, we want to speak to you! Please call: 801.533.9777 or email: for more information.

Donate Today!

  • 2016 General Election
  • Sustaining Member
  • Elephant Club

Donald Trump Jr. Visits Utah!

Donald Trump Jr. recently visited the Beehive state to campaign for his father, Donald J. Trump. He spent part of his visit on Capitol Hill visiting with legislators and Speaker of the House Greg Hughes. Donald Jr. gave an exclusive interview to KUTV 2's Heidi Hatch where he discussed campaign strategy for his father's campaign. (Donald Trump Jr. Interview)

Later that evening, he attended a private fundraiser held at the home of Scott & Karen Keller. Donald Trump Jr. shared his belief about why we need to elect his father, Donald J. Trump as our next president. Guests also had the privilege of hearing from Oz, one of the Benghazi survivors. He gave a detailed account of the events that took place that fateful night. Thank you to everyone who attended!

Did You Know?

Voter information is just a click away! Visit: to:
  • Register to vote.
  • Change your address on your voter registration record.
  • Register to vote by mail.

Utah Debate Commission Schedule

Meet the UTGOP Officers

James M. Evans

Vice Chairman
Phill Wright
Abe Young

Lisa Shepherd

Utah Republican Party Staff

We are here to assist you!
Executive Director
Bryan Smith

Director of Communications
Cindie Quintana

Political Director
Mattie Tueller

Finance Director
Joni Crane

Justin Anthony

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Family Barbecue with Governor Herbert, Adam Gardiner, Wayne Harper on October 5

This is a great opportunity to have some good food, to have some fun, and to talk with the candidates about the issues in the election.

Wednesday October 5, 2016

6 - 8 PM

Veterans Memorial Park
1985 W 7800 S
West Jordan, Utah

Monday, September 26, 2016

Fundraiser for Richard Snelgrove October 19, 2016

Constitution Day Picnic September 30, 2016

Everyone is invited to the Constitution Day Picnic. It is free. There will be plenty of food. It is close to where we live. Celebrate our Constitution!

Sample Ballot for November General Election 2016 for Precinct WJD030

Here is the link for our sample ballot for West Jordan 030 Precinct. 

Well, that link may not work. If not, then each individual can also go to the home page for Vote.Utah.Gov  and enter their address to bring up their sample ballot.

If you are not registered to vote, this is where you can register online.

Only SIX* weeks to prepare for Election Day!  We are very blessed to have free elections. Please be an informed voter.

(* less than six weeks if you choose early voting.)

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Salt Lake County Republican Central Committee Meeting Sept. 24, 2016

Saturday morning I attend the Salt Lake County Republican Central Committee Meeting at Jordan High School in Sandy. It started at 9:05 AM with registration previous to the meeting. It ended about 1:10 PM. So it was a long meeting.

The meeting was conducted by Suzanne Mulet who is Salt Lake County Republican Party Chair. First was a continuation of the meeting in June. Technically it was a continuation of an adjourned meeting. The business was to elect three new members of the Bylaws Committee. There were 8 candidates, all but one were nominated by themselves. There were three rounds of voting. It was planned to have electronic voting via the SLCo GOP web site, but there were technical difficulties, so we had to have paper balloting. Each candidate had 2 minutes to introduce themselves and tell their qualifications and then we had ballot boxes and stood in line to cast our votes. The winning candidates were Fred Cox, Alan Monson, and Carolyn Sharp.This was a lengthy process.

There were 281 credentialed attendees at one point. This is a small percentage of those who should have attended. It is necessary to have at least 20% of precinct chairs present to constitute a quorum I think, and it was sufficient for that.

While votes were being counted all candidates for public office were given the opportunity to speak. Actually there were only a few candidates present. Some of them were there in the hallway before the meeting started giving out signs, flyers, T-shirts, buttons etc. but most of them left after the meeting started.

We heard from Richard Snelgrove who is running for County Council and David Robinson who is running for County Mayor. There were several people who are running for state legislature and a representative for Mia Love named George Ferris spoke on Mia's behalf.

Also while votes were being counted we had officer reports. Suzanne Mulet reported on the committee's plans for social media campaigning. We need to define our image as Republicans and not let the media label Republicans. The committee chose three GOP ideas to focus on: Freedom to Be, Transparency and Local Determination. Here are examples:

Medicare Expansion is an issue of local determination.

K.I.S.S. is an issue of transparency.

Land Use is an issue of local determination.

Self-Reliance is an issue of Freedom to Be or Freedom2B.

Here are suggested hashtags for us to use: #utpol  #utgop #slcogop #how2bgop #freedom2b #transparency #localdetermination #votelocal

Scott Miller is our Salt Lake County Republican Party Vice Chair. He spoke about voter registration. Voter registration forms were passed out. We were encouraged to get new people in our precincts registered to vote. He also talked about fund raising and suggested party 

{I tested this link and could access the Savvi home page but not the page specifically for Salt Lake County Republicans. Maybe it is not quite set up yet.}

Hopefully Savvi will be a very good thing to raise funds for our party and for a charity as well.

Scott also spoke about a possible need for security for future meetings and about GRAMA requests that have been made to county government. The Salt Lake County Mayor's office has not been forthcoming with information. More transparency is needed. He advised us to refer to the party web page for upcoming information.

Ben Soholt talked about an #iamarepublican campaign. He demonstrated a live Facebook video and challenged everyone to make an #iamarepublican video and post it on Facebook. {The goal of this campaign is to make the point that Republicans are normal people with lots of diversity.}

Roy Harris gave a financial report in keeping with his role as treasurer.

There was one auxiliary report by the chairman of the Salt Lake County Young Republicans. Salt Lake County Young Republicans Facebook page.  This group has monthly meetings and is open to anyone who wants to attend. The target age group is ages 18 - 40.

New Business was next on the agenda. The GOTV or Get Out the Vote program was presented. This is a plan to be implemented in the next five weeks to help elect Republican candidates in Salt Lake County and $30,000 has been budgeted for this plan. A powerpoint was shown detailing what will be done. An attendee was concerned that all of the $30,000 is going to be spent by the party's executive committee and no funds are going to be given directly to individual candidates. There was a motion to allocate half of the money or $15,000 to be given to individual candidates. There was passionate discussion and then voting on the motion. The motion failed. The meeting was adjourned shortly after 1:00 PM.

Governor and President Debates on Monday Night

Tune in tomorrow night for the Utah Governor Debate.
Date: September 26, 2016
Time: 7:00 PM
Place: Logan, Utah

Republican Gary Herbert and Democrat Michael Weinholtz will be discussing important issues related to the Utah Governor's race. The debate will be broadcast on KBYU Eleven.

Then you can stay tuned for PBS Newshour's coverage of the first United States Presidential Debate between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Attorney General Sean Reyes Shares His Vision for Utah

The Attorney General Race Continues On!

Dear Friend,

Just hours before the scheduled Attorney General Debate on September 21, 2016, I received some disheartening news. I learned that my Democratic opponent, Jon Harper, was exiting the Utah Attorney General race due to health reasons. This meant that he would not be present at the Utah Debate Commission's Attorney General Debate. While I was saddened upon learning the news about Jon, I was also concerned about the many people expecting to watch an informative debate with the Attorney General candidates who qualified to be on stage.

Upon learning the news of the Democratic challenger exiting the AG race, the Debate Commission graciously offered the entire hour to me to share my vision for Utah, and what the Attorney General's office has done and will continue to do under my leadership for the citizens of Utah. One thing is certain in life and in politics - constant change! My campaign team and I turned this unexpected change in to an opportunity to host a modified debate with the students and some media at Dixie State University.

I spent an hour sharing my vision for the future and answering questions from some of the most inquisitive minds in the state — DSU students. If you did not get a chance to tune-in and watch the AG modified debate, you still can! Please visit:
WatchAGModifiedDebate to view.

I want to thank the Utah Debate Commission again for the opportunity to participate in their debate series. I also want to thank Dixie State University for hosting the Attorney General "Modified" Debate.

Finally, I want to thank each of you for your continued support. I am very fortunate to have so many great Utahns across the state in my court.
With respect and gratitude,
Sean D. Reyes
Utah Attorney General

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Candidate Sean Reyes

Sean Reyes is running for re-election as Utah's Attorney General.
He will be debating with his Democratic opponent tomorrow night Wednesday September 21. 2016 at Dixie State College in St. George at 6:00 PM.

The debate will be broadcast live on KBYU Eleven.

Sean's web site is  It is quite a comprehensive web site telling about what Sean Reyes has done as Utah's Attorney General. He also has a Facebook page.

Vote Utah Debates on KBYU Eleven

Here is the website link for KBYU Eleven's Vote Utah Series. You can watch many of the candidate debates on TV at KBYU Eleven.

 KBYU Eleven Vote Utah Series

Learn more about Civil Asset Forfeiture in Utah

FREE EVENT: Did you know that the government can permanently take a person's property without charging them with—let alone convicting them of—a crime?

Come learn about civil asset forfeiture, hear some stories of its abuse in Utah, and learn how you can help put a stop to this practice. We will be joined by Senator Howard Stephenson, who has been a leader in reforming the law (in favor of property rights) in recent years.

Utah voters in 2000 overwhelmingly voted to reform forfeiture, but prosecutors and police immediately sought to undermine the new law. We have a plan to push back—and we're going to win. Come join us, and bring a friend!

Date: Thursday September 22, 2016
Time: 7:00 PM -b8:30 PM
Place: American Preparatory Academy -- Draper #2
11938 South Lone Peak Parkway, Draper, Utah 84020

For more information go to


Utah Republican Party Newsletter

The Republican

Official Newsletter of the Utah Republican Party

Issue 01
View this email in your browser
September 20, 2016
I know in my heart that man is good, that what is right will always eventually triumph, and there's purpose and worth to each and every life. - President Ronald Reagan

Governor Mike Pence Visits Utah

The Utah Republican Party had the pleasure of hosting a joint fundraiser with Governor Mike Pence, candidate for Vice President of the United States. There were over 100 guests invited to attend the private fundraiser held at the home of Scott and Karen Keller.

Governor Pence spoke about the importance of the 2016 election, and how this year may be the most crucial election in our lifetime. Governor Pence was a guest speaker at Senator Mike Lee's annual Utah Solutions Summit. He also toured Temple Square, and Welfare Square with Governor Gary Herbert.

Carly Campaigns for Congresswoman Mia Love!

Congresswoman Mia Love held a campaign rally at Love HQ last week. Special guest, former Presidential & VP candidate, Carly Fiorina attended the event. Mia is off to a great start as she heads in to the heart of campaign season! The latest Dan Jones & Associates poll show Rep. Mia Love ahead at 51% and Doug Owens 38%. This 13 point lead demonstrates that voters in the CD-4 choose Rep. Mia Love to represent them in Washington D.C.

Upcoming Events!

Monday, September 26, 2016
September Elephant Club Luncheon

Alta Club
Guest Speaker:
Lt. Governor Spencer Cox
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
RSVP: Click Here

October 11, 2016
Annual Golf Tournament
Location: Thanksgiving Point
For details and sponsorship information, please contact: Bryan Smith,
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
October Elephant Club Luncheon

Alta Club
Guest Speaker:
Congressman Jason Chaffetz
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
RSVP: Click Here

Tuesday, November 8, 2016
2016 Election Night Party!

For details and sponsorship information, please contact:
Cindie Quintana, 801.879.6136,

We Are Looking
for Great Volunteers!

Are you wanting to become more involved in Utah politics? The Utah Republican Party is seeking volunteers to assist with the 2016 campaign season! If you are interested in helping with the political process, helping great candidates get elected, and making a difference in Utah, we want to speak to you! Please call: 801.533.9777 or email: for more information.

2016 Elephant Club Social

The 2016 Elephant Club Summer Social was a great success! Over 160 people attended this year's Summer Social which was held at the Falls Event Center at Trolley Square. The special guest speaker was Governor Gary Herbert, who spoke of the importance of being involved with the Elephant Club. He also spoke of the honored history of the Elephant Club and the role EC played in his involvement in Utah Politics!

Attendees also heard from Senator Orrin Hatch, Former National Committeeman, Bruce Hough, Current National Committeeman Thomas Wright, National RNC State Director, Matt Pinnell. Also in attendance; Attorney General Sean Reyes, Auditor John Dougall, Senator Todd Weiler, and many esteemed guests.

Elephant Club President, Lew Cramer extends a special thanks to; Scott & Karen Keller, Melva Sine, President of the Restaurant Association, The Falls Event Center, U.S. Novelty, Joy Gough Photography, Frank Suitter, and Randall Mackey.

The benefits of joining one of the oldest and most esteemed organizations in Utah politics include; discount pricing to our monthly luncheon, exclusive invitations to VIP events, invitations to annual Elephant Club events, and much more! For more information about joining the Elephant Club, please contact: Cindie Quintana, 801.879.6136 or

Utah Republican Party Staff

We are here to assist you!
Executive Director
Bryan Smith

Director of Communications
Cindie Quintana

Political Director
Mattie Tueller

Finance Director
Joni Crane

Justin Anthony

Meet the UTGOP Officers

James M. Evans

Vice Chairman
Phill Wright
Abe Young

Lisa Shepherd


Utah Republican Party
117 E. South Temple
Salt Lake City, UT 84111

Paid For By The Utah Republican Party

Final Post for this WJD030 Blog -- New Blog Created Today for WJD025

Go to  for this first post in the new blog. Then follow this new  blog for more news and information. With redistric...