Here is the link for our sample ballot for West Jordan 030 Precinct.
Well, that link may not work. If not, then each individual can also go to the home page for Vote.Utah.Gov and enter their address to bring up their sample ballot.
If you are not registered to vote, this is where you can register online.
Only SIX* weeks to prepare for Election Day! We are very blessed to have free elections. Please be an informed voter.
(* less than six weeks if you choose early voting.)
News and Announcements for the Voters of Precinct WJD030 in West Jordan Utah
Final Post for this WJD030 Blog -- New Blog Created Today for WJD025
Go to for this first post in the new blog. Then follow this new blog for more news and information. With redistric...
The Women's Republican Club Of Salt Lake City invites all interested Republicans to come to our January meeting . Come start the Ne...
The Utah Legislature is in session. Both our Senator Wayne Harper and our Representative Earl Tanner are welcoming feedback and input from t...