Thursday, March 19, 2020

Message from Derek Brown - State Republican Party Chairman

Dear Republican friend,

What an eventful week we have had, including the unexpected “wake up call” many of us received yesterday.

With all of the uncertainty this past week, I am writing to let you know that one thing is still certain:  the Utah Republican Party is organized, unified, and looking forward to our 2020 Nominating Convention which will take place on April 25th.

While we will not have an in-person convention as in past years, we are moving full-steam ahead with our convention preparations. I am excited to announce that our 2020 Convention Committee is incorporating technology into this year’s convention process that will encourage a higher level of participation by our delegates than we have ever seen before.

In preparation for our convention, I would like to briefly answer some of the most common questions I have received. 
  1. With caucus night postponed, who will serve as delegates? Our state delegates serve until they are replaced by newly-elected delegates. Because delegates elected in 2018 have not been replaced, they will continue to serve, and will be given an opportunity to participate in the upcoming convention. 
  2. What if a delegate can no longer serve? Each county party has a simple process for replacing a state delegate who cannot serve. It is not the job of a candidate to replace the delegate—it is the job of the county party to manage the replacement of delegates.     
  3. Will the nominating convention be canceled? Definitely not! Our convention will still take place next month, though it will look different than our past conventions. It will involve candidates reaching out electronically to delegates, and utilizing technology in new and innovative ways. In fact, I am convinced that we will see human ingenuity and creativity at its finest, providing our delegates more actual opportunities for interaction with candidates than in any previous year.
  4.  Will this online convention process be fair to the candidates? Absolutely! Just as our party has had to adapt to changing conditions, our candidates are also showing us how well they can adapt—a skill they will certainly need if elected. We are committed to supporting our candidates in reaching out to the delegates, helping to provide the tools they need to do so, and making sure the process is fair and even more accessible than our traditional, in-person convention.    
  5.  How will voting take place? I have finalized an agreement with a reputable, well-known, and secure online voting company. There are government entities here in Utah that already use this company to manage the electronic voting of Utah residents who are overseas serving in the military. As a party, we will provide technical support and assistance to our delegates to help them use the voting software. 
  6.  Do you need volunteers?  Yes! Instead of volunteers to help us with logistics at a large convention center, we will need volunteers to help with our virtual/online operations. Please email if you are willing to help.
  7.  Can I donate to help with the costs of an online convention?  As a party, we spent over $30,000 preparing for a caucus night next week, and now we have tens of thousands dollars of new costs associated with the new convention plans. If you are willing to help defray these costs, please contact the party, or contact me directly. 
John Adams once said that “every problem is an opportunity in disguise.” I view these challenges as the Utah Republican Party’s opportunity in disguise. It is a chance to reevaluate the way voters interact with us, reinvigorate our caucus/convention system, and explain to a rising generation what it means to be conservative.

Our 2020 Utah Republican Party Convention will not only be memorable, but it will also be an amazing experience for our delegates who have the opportunity to participate. I am committed to making sure that the overall level of participation by our delegates between now and April 25th exceeds that of any prior convention.

With so many uncertainties today, conservative principles like advocating for limited government, promoting free-market solutions, and creating a society where our sisters and brothers can truly flourish, are principles that we will need more than ever before.  

My fellow party officers and I are grateful for your service and commitment to the Utah Republican Party, and we are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead.
Derek Brown
Chairman, Utah Republican Party


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