Saturday, October 10, 2020

Vote Laurie Stringham for Salt Lake County Council At Large


Dear Salt Lake County Voters,

It appears that in Mayor Jenny Wilson's mind, her $1.4 Billion Bloated budget is still not enough; she wants more!  Wilson has already told us our taxes are going up.  Although taxpayers feel helpless as the County government takes our hard-earned money, this year you can do something about it and it is as simple as 1, 2, 3.   In one short minute, you can see how together, we can cut the Salt Lake County budget and cut your taxes.  It really is as simple as 1,2,3:

If you would rather read than watch, your instructions for cutting taxes are here:

Earlier this year, when County Mayor Jenny Wilson passed her enormous property tax increase, angry Salt Lake County residents felt powerless. What is worse? Mayor Wilson is not done raising your taxes unless we stop her. The Salt Lake County budget has increased 50% in just six years and now tops a whopping $1.4 billion dollars. We can no longer afford Wilson's tax & spend habits!

Because of this, voters like you asked me to run. But what else can we do to stop Mayor Wilson's out of control spending? Stopping Mayor Wilson is as easy as 1, 2, 3.

Mayor Wilson needs the Salt Lake County Council to approve her BLOATED budgets. She knows she has the votes of her rubber-stamping Democrats. Bradley: yes. Ghorbani: yes. Arlyn: yes. Granato: yes.

Thankfully fiscal watchdogs Richard Snelgrove and Aimee Winder-Newton said no, but they need 3 more votes to keep Wison from picking our pockets. Fortunately, in this election, you have the chance to deliver those 3 votes, by voting yes for Dea Theodore, yes for Dave Alvord, and yes for me, Laurie Stringham. Each one of us has committed to CUTTING the County’s BLOATED budget.

Make sure you, your family, and friends are registered to vote. Every vote counts and your wallet depends on it. This out of control spending must stop. So remember, cutting taxes is as simple as 1, 2, 3:
    1. Dea Theodore
    2. Dave Alvord
    3. Laurie Stringham
for Salt Lake County Council

I would love to hear from you regarding this important issue!


Laurie Stringham
Salt Lake County Council At Large - Candidate

Phone: 801-699-2031


P.S. In my years of working as a precinct chair I have had several associations with Laurie Stringham. She is a genuine and capable person and will do a fine job for us on the Salt Lake County Council.  ---- Jeanette Drake

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Laurie Stringham for Salt Lake County Council at Large · 6102 S Dewdrops Dr · Kearns, UT 84118 · USA

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