"Dear Jeanette,
A typical complaint about government is not being able to do more with less. Coming from the private sector, in 2010 you supported my election based on my qualifications. I am pleased to report back that in the measurable Treasurer categories we have been successful as you will see below. We have done more with less.
In a non-Presidential year, our worry is that there will be a low Republican and unaffiliated conservative turnout to the polls and that we could passively lose some offices. Although you can be relied upon to show up, we would ask that you actively encourage others to vote. We have several races that can make a major difference in our local government.
Today, early voting is extended from the Government Center to several valley locations. Our website, cushing4treasurer.com has a link to the early voting locations. Also, the donate button works and every little bit helps. You have my promise that we will continue our success and are always willing to work harder and smarter.