Friday, April 10, 2020

Call to State Convention

Dear State Delegate,

This email, and the video below from Chairman Derek Brown, serve as your official Call to Convention for our Utah Republican Party Nominating Convention taking place on April 25, 2020.  In this unique year, we are gathering online to nominate our Republican candidates.

In the video, Chairman Brown asks you to download the voting application.  In a few short days, you will receive an email from VOATZ, the company managing the online, secure voting system. Look for that email, which will come from  When you receive it, download the app and set up your account using the instructions that you will be sent.  It is critical that, when setting up your account, you use the same email and phone number that you provided to the county party. 
The official convention date is Saturday, April 25th. However, the Chairman will post the final candidate speeches and open voting on the morning of Thursday, April 23rd.  This will allow everyone ample time to view the speeches and cast their votes before the Chairman closes voting, currently scheduled to occur at 5:00 pm on Saturday. Please do not wait until Saturday to vote, but vote early.

In the coming days, you will receive the 2020 Convention Voter Guide in the mail, as well as the official rules governing the convention.  We will also continually update the party website,, with all the information, rules, and procedures for the convention, as you prepare to cast your votes. 

We look forward to having all of you join us for this historic convention!

Kendra Seeley
Secretary, Utah Republican Party

*This Nominating Convention shall nominate Republican Party candidates for U.S. House of Representatives, Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, State Auditor, State Treasurer, multi-county State Senate, multi-county State House of Representatives, multi-county State School Board of Education.  The Nominating Convention shall also select a National Committeeman, a National Committeewoman, 37 National Delegates including 3 from each Congressional District, 37 Alternate National Delegates including 3 from each Congressional District, and six (6) Presidential Electors. 


Our mailing address is:
Utah Republican Party
15 W. South Temple, Suite 250
Salt Lake City, Utah 84101

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