Saturday, March 17, 2012

Invitation to the Blog

Dear  ________
Thank you for attending our Republican Party Caucus for Precinct WJD030 on March 15, 2012 at West Jordan Middle School. When many people participate there are benefits for all of us.
The blog for our precinct is now live at You are invited to view this blog, to become a follower and to make comments and suggestions. You can also write blog posts and send them to me and I will publish them to the blog.
When you visit the blog be sure to scroll to the bottom to view all the posts and click on “older posts” when we have them so you don’t miss anything. There is a “list of links to relevant websites” at the bottom left on the blog. There is also a “Republican Newsreel” on the right side of the blog. I have entered the key words “Utah Republican Politics” and every day there will be a listing of Google news articles. I hope that this blog will be a place where you can come and do research and learn about the issues affecting us in WJD030 in a timely manner. Rather than doing a lot of writing I will mostly be referring you to other sources of information.
There will not be very much about the Presidential election. But I will try to connect you with information about the candidates for other offices who are running for election to represent us.  I will also post information about our county and state delegates so that you can contact them and give them your opinions.  Our county and state delegates are also invited to report how they voted at convention and why they made their choices.
Chris McConnehey has offered to participate on this blog and to keep us up-to-date on City Council issues.
I cannot speak for the Salt Lake County Republican Party, but I will not be sending out group emails or sharing your email addresses with others. I will be posting contact information for our state and county delegates, but otherwise if you want your contact information posted you will have to ask me to do it.
Please let friends and associates know about this blog. You don’t have to be a registered and affiliated Republican to participate. If you have technical issues, please let me know. I already know that there may be a compatibility issue with Internet Explorer. Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox and Apple Safari seem to work fine. I do not know about compatibility with mobile devices. If you have webmaster skills, please give me advice.
Thank you.
Jeanette Drake
Voting District Chairman

Final Post for this WJD030 Blog -- New Blog Created Today for WJD025

Go to  for this first post in the new blog. Then follow this new  blog for more news and information. With redistric...