SALT LAKE CITY – Utah Republican Party
Chairman Thomas Wright issued the following statement and report on the March
15, 2012 Utah Republican Party Caucuses:
“I am amazed by the number of citizens who took action and attended their Neighborhood Caucus tonight. Our preliminary estimates are a statewide turnout of at least 125,000 Republicans and as high as 200,000. Government works best when citizens are informed and engaged in the voting process. Voters were heard loud and clear tonight.”
Caucus Report
· 100% of voting precincts in the State held a Caucus meeting
· 30,000 voters looked up their Caucus location at
· 14,000 live phone calls were made from the Utah Republican Party
· 20,000 yard signs were distributed across the state
· 260,000 door hangers were distributed across the state
· 10 days of aired TV and Radio Commercials
· 85 Precinct Chair Trainings
· 52 Caucus Awareness Trainings
· 1400 voters were trained by Caucus Ambassadors
The Utah Republican Party launched a statewide 29 County Plan in May, 2011 to increase participation at every level of government. Caucus Night was one of three parts of the plan aimed at delivering 100,000 Caucus Attendees; 100,000 new Republican voters who Vote by Mail; and 100,000 new registered Republicans in the 2012 election cycle. The Caucus Night goal was for each County and Precinct in the state to have at least 18.5 percent of registered Republicans attend for statewide total of 100,000. The 2010 Caucus Attendance was 58,000 – an all time high.
“I am amazed by the number of citizens who took action and attended their Neighborhood Caucus tonight. Our preliminary estimates are a statewide turnout of at least 125,000 Republicans and as high as 200,000. Government works best when citizens are informed and engaged in the voting process. Voters were heard loud and clear tonight.”
Caucus Report
· 100% of voting precincts in the State held a Caucus meeting
· 30,000 voters looked up their Caucus location at
· 14,000 live phone calls were made from the Utah Republican Party
· 20,000 yard signs were distributed across the state
· 260,000 door hangers were distributed across the state
· 10 days of aired TV and Radio Commercials
· 85 Precinct Chair Trainings
· 52 Caucus Awareness Trainings
· 1400 voters were trained by Caucus Ambassadors
The Utah Republican Party launched a statewide 29 County Plan in May, 2011 to increase participation at every level of government. Caucus Night was one of three parts of the plan aimed at delivering 100,000 Caucus Attendees; 100,000 new Republican voters who Vote by Mail; and 100,000 new registered Republicans in the 2012 election cycle. The Caucus Night goal was for each County and Precinct in the state to have at least 18.5 percent of registered Republicans attend for statewide total of 100,000. The 2010 Caucus Attendance was 58,000 – an all time high.