weeks after the U.S. Senate passes the pro-slavery Kansas-Nebraska Act, a small
group of politicians opposed to the legislation meet at a schoolhouse in Ripon,
Wis. The participants—mostly "Conscience" Whigs and Free Soil Democrats—decide
to form a new political organization. By summertime the party, which referred to
its members as "Republicans," would hold its first state convention. By 1856,
the faction had developed strongholds in the Northeast and Midwest, and just
four years later the party's unlikely nominee would claim the White House.'
--- From "This Week in History" Email by The History Channel.
Of course, the Republican candidate who won the Presidential election in 1860 was Abraham Lincoln.
See photos of Abraham Lincoln
Happy Birthday Republican Party!
News and Announcements for the Voters of Precinct WJD030 in West Jordan Utah
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Go to wjd025gop.blogspot.com for this first post in the new blog. Then follow this new blog for more news and information. With redistric...
The Women's Republican Club Of Salt Lake City invites all interested Republicans to come to our January meeting . Come start the Ne...
The Utah Legislature is in session. Both our Senator Wayne Harper and our Representative Earl Tanner are welcoming feedback and input from t...